Energy efficient building envelope
Energy efficient building envelope

energy efficient building envelope

Even though the theoretical basis behind this tool is robust and accurate, the developed tool is simple, flexible, and user-friendly to encourage its use among designers and engineers.


To calculate the occupants' thermal satisfaction, a predicted mean vote method (PMV) was used. Building Energy Exchange is proud to announce the official launch of our Envelope Showcase, the first in a series of rotating showcases that expand upon the core building systems outlined in our 2020 Anatomy of an Energy Efficient Building exhibit. The building envelope, as the major barrier between the outdoor environment and inside conditioned zone, was considered as the main building component to optimize. ONE PLANET CITY CHALLENGE TOOLBO ENERGY EFFICIENCY SERIES 9 Better building envelopes for better cities The construction industry is an advantageous area of focus for cities’ climate action plans, as the sector produces nearly 40 of the world’s direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To demonstrate the application of this framework, the development of the design optimization tool using a C# program is presented. This article presents a framework for developing a multiobjective design optimization tool that is capable of identifying the designs with the lowest life-cycle cost, lowest life-cycle emission, and highest occupant thermal satisfaction. Therefore, a proper multiobjective optimization algorithm tool that is capable of eliminating a portion of trial-and-error process is needed. In addition to the difficulty of determining the best design parameters, multiple numbers of objectives, such as the life-cycle cost and environmental emission of the project, increase the complexity of the problem.


Looked outside lately In winter months, windows can account for 10 to 25 of a home’s utility bill through heat loss. Challenges that manifest within these systems are inherently complex and interdisciplinary in nature, and they often defy linear, cause-and-effect correlation, which makes the simulation of building energy performance even more complicated. In a typical residential or commercial building, about 42 of energy is lost through doors, roofs, attics, walls, floors and foundations known collectively as the building envelope. In addition, numerous building design parameters, including building envelope, window-to-wall ratio, and building orientation and shape, influence the level of energy consumption, which makes the design process complicated. Most of these programs utilize thermodynamic equations and the mechanical characteristics, loadings, and temperature set points of the building to predict the total energy demand in a year. Multiple energy-simulation programs have recently been developed.

Energy efficient building envelope